Second LiNK Screening!

You probably thought I gave up on disseminating all that good info about our North Korean brethren in need.  Not so!  Actually, opportunities to show The People's Crisis and Danny from North Korea have been very few and far between.  Riding the bike around, I spend about 90 percent of my time in the middle of nowhere, around people with whom I am unable to communicate my wish to assist in catalyzing change in North Korea.


But recently, an opportunity presented itself while I was volunteering at Din Dang Natural Building Center, and I was able to show LiNK's films to all the awesome people you see in the photo above.  These are folks from Austria, Germany, France, Netherlands, and a bunch of other radical countries.  Men and women, from age 21 way on up to older than me.  All had good questions at the end, and I feel like the screening brought the NK issue to several people's awareness for the first time, while broadening others' knowledge of the issue.  Not to mention, we had a lot of fun together, outside, playing music, and singing, before and after the screening.  I'm really thankful I was able to squeeze this in between getting Dengue Fever and having to leave for my next destination.  Thanks guys!