Shakies Re-Unite: Look who I found in Kampon Cham

Look who I found in Kampon Cham!  It's Mingyu, our long lost shaky, and his noona, whom he initially left us to visit . I can see why and I don't blame him. 

Downtown Kampon Cham.

Mingyu and Hyangju (aforementioned noona).  Brother and sister, or cute couple?  They are both super into pirates.

Mingyu's real serious about somethin'

Maybe it's these $0.50 beers?

There is an island in the middle of the Mekong in Kampon Cham, which you can only access by this bamboo bridge.  The entire thing is really made of bamboo, and it's strong enough for cars to drive on, although when they do, the entire bridge flexes and moves about one foot down.  Scary as hell when you're riding past on your bike. 

Yours truly, on the bamboo bridge.

On the island, we found some idyllic scenes of rural Cambodian life.  Like this house on stilts.

This farmer having his cows pull him and his small child on their bike.  Don't try this at home.

A friendly local.

There were drinks and Carcassonne.

Glad I got that firebuilding merit badge way back in the Boy Scouts.  We built a campfire on the river bank.

Sat around and stared deep into each others' eyes.

And Mingyu played the ukulele and we all sang songs.  Well, they sang and I screeched.

A great time was had by all, and we didn't light the whole island on fire!

Now Mingyu and Hyang Ju are off to Siem Reap (northwest), while I'm heading due South to Phnom Penh to apply for my Thai visa and then volunteer on a farm, then hit the beach with a buddy from Korea.  Happy trails Mingyu and Hyang Ju!