Extra Extra! Random Moments from Laos

Pantless kiddos wave at me as I pass by!


This lovely family came out of their house to see what all the hubub was about; it was just a smelly white guy on a bike taking a break on the side of the road.
Suspension bridge of death! Muang Khua, last stop before Vietnam. This little dude didn't seem too afraid, but the rest of us were.


Dried seaweed (or maybe lake-weed since Laos is a landlocked country) embedded with peppers and sesame seeds; a Laos delicacy, and delicious. This nice lady was making some outside of our house and let us bother her for a few minutes.



8-inches long, honest.

A lovely Quebecois couple on a 3-year bike journey. They say their children don't understand their nomadic lifestyle, or why they don't want a big house or lots of credit card debt; I say these two have got things right.

Found this poor guy on the side of the road! We tried our best to hydrate and feed him, and implored the onlooking locals to take care of him, but who knows how things will turn out for this little dude.



Awesome mixture of old and new tech.




Mike the mud monster emerges from the deep!



Riverside campfire time!

Am I really going to cross THAT?